
therapeutic massage

  • therapeutic massage uses a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax the muscles.

clothed massage

  • this type of massage allows you to remain fully clothed. No oil is used in this massage. Techniques include: Acupressure, Trigger point therapy, Ortho-Bionomy, Polarity therapy, Reiki, and stretching.


  • the application of pressure (as with the thumbs or fingertips) to the same discrete points stimulated in acupuncture that is used for the therapeutic effects (as the relief of tension or pain).

Matrix Repatterning

  • (only available with Andrew Brechin)
    Matrix repatterining, represents the culmination of over 40 years of research into the structural basis of health. Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioners (CMRPs) throughout the world, who have completed a comprehensive post-graduate training program, are able to apply these principles to provide relief from many acute and chronic conditions. More info >